Rugby players in Indonesia will frequently compare themselves with awe to the athleticism of the foreign playerโs physique and although there is always a position for every body size and shape in the game of Rugby, the foods that are readily and easily available is often blamed as the reason for poor performance on the field.
However, before you go and madly start searching for the next jar of food supplements, let us take a look at some of the more readily accessible food in Indonesia that are good for Rugby players to consume.
1. Eggs
A great source of protein, relatively available in abundance at low cost. Healthier methods of cooking are recommended such as boiling or poaching instead of frying using oil or margarine.
2. Brassica
Cabbage, mustard and broccoli are great recovery food and have high antioxidant levels that improves liver function.
3. Lean Chicken
Make it a habit to eat chicken without the skin to gain the benefits of muscle building protein without the unnecessary extra fat; a great way to cook chicken is of course to grill it with a variety of spices and just a pinch of salt for flavor.
4. Brown Rice
Brown rice contains more fiber than white rice and at the same amount contains more calories (source of energy); it also has a lower glycemic index than white rice which reduces the risk of diabetes.
5. Good Fats
It is sometimes ironic that we avoid fats but at the same time, โgoodโ fats are very beneficial for the Rugby player as it reduces the risk of heart disease due to its anti-inflammatory properties; these fats can be found in avocado, fish, olive oil and VCO coconut oil.
6. Potatoes
They are a fantastic source of energy with a lower glycemic index than normal potatoes. This leads to a reduced risk of diabetes. Sweet potatoes also contain beta carotene which is good for vision, contains high antioxidants and increases lung function.
7. Herbs and Spices
Garlic, chili, oregano, basil and turmeric have anti-bacteria, anti-inflammatory and immunity boosting properties.
8. Water
Dehydration is a Rugby playerโs enemy that affects almost all parts of the body when training or playing; dehydration also affects brain function that leads to poor judgement on the field.
Always remember that eating right leads to a healthier and fitter body so that you can enjoy playing Rugby more.
Note: always consult a doctor or a nutritionist before starting a diet or changing your food intake patterns.