Pepper Advantage Sebagai Gold Sponsor program “Rugby Masuk Sekolah”

Pepper Advantage Sebagai Gold Sponsor program “Rugby Masuk Sekolah”

Rabu, 09 November 2023.

Pepper Advantage telah menandatangani perjanjian dengan Persatuan Rugby Union Indonesia (PRUI) sebagai Gold Sponsor untuk Program ‘Rugby Masuk Sekolah’. PRUI meluncurkan program ini sebagai pengenalan Rugby ke sekolah-sekolah di seluruh Indonesia. Gelombang pertama program ini akan berlangsung dari akhir tahun 2023 hingga akhir Q1 2024. Semua sekolah diharapkan berpartisipasi dalam Touch Rugby Festival di akhir program.

Dalam rilis bersama, Managing Director Pepper Advantage Indonesia, Aaron Milburn dan Wakil Presiden Persatuan Rugby Union Indonesia Agus Djamhoer memaparkan rencana tersebut. “Pepper Advantage percaya bahwa nilai-nilai rugby bermanfaat bagi generasi muda Indonesia. Kami telah terlibat dalam mendukung Rugby di Fiji dan kini kami bangga mendukung misi Rugby Indonesia”, kata Aaron Milburn.

Agus Djamhoer berbicara tentang rencana masa depan Rugby Indonesia: “Dengan dukungan Pepper Advantage, kami dapat lebih mengembangkan Rugby untuk membangun karakter positif bagi generasi muda Rugby Indonesia. Saat ini kami memiliki 112 pelatih dari 10 (Sepuluh) Provinsi berbeda di seluruh Indonesia yang terdaftar dalam program ini. Target pertama kami adalah menjangkau 2.500 anak dari 100 sekolah berbeda, namun kami mendapat respons yang sangat baik dari provinsi-provinsi di Indonesia dan sekarang kami menargetkan 4.000 anak. Anak-anak ini akan menjalani setidaknya 12 sesi pelatihan dan kemudian berpartisipasi dalam festival Touch Rugby.

Perkembangan olahraga Rugby di Indonesia semakin pesat sejak olahraga ini dipertandingkan secara resmi di ajang Olah Raga terbesar di Indonesia, Pekan Olahraga Nasional (Pekan Olahraga Nasional) pada tahun 2021. Program untuk mengembangkan Rugby Sentuh (Touch Rugby) ini akan menjadi terobosan baru PRUI setelah sebelumnya lebih banyak mengembangkan rugby dengan format tackle di Indonesia.


Wednesday, 09 November 2023.

[NEWS} Pepper Advantage has signed an agreement with Persatuan Rugby Union Indonesia (PRUI) as Gold Sponsor for the ‘Rugby Masuk Sekolah’ Program. PRUI launched the program as Rugby introduction to schools all around Indonesia. The first batch of the program will run from the end of 2023 until the end of Q1 2024. All schools are expected to participate in Touch Rugby Festival at the end of the program.

In a joint release, Indonesian Managing Director of Pepper Advantage, Aaron Milburn and Vice President of Persatuan Rugby Union Indonesia Agus Djamhoer presented the plan. “Pepper Advantage believe that the values of rugby are beneficial for Indonesian youth. We have been involved in supporting Rugby in Fiji and now we are proud to support Indonesian Rugby in their mission”, said Aaron Milburn.

Agus Djamhoer speaks out about Indonesian Rugby’s future plans: “With Pepper Advantage’s support, we can further grow Rugby to build positive character for Indonesian Rugby youths. We now have 112 coaches from 10 (Ten) different Provinces all over Indonesia registered to the program. Our first target is to reach 2.500 kids from 100 different schools, but we have been overwhelmed with the response from the provinces and now we are aiming at 4,000 kids. These kids will have at least 12 session of training and then participate in Touch Rugby festivals.

Rugby in Indonesia has been growing rapidly since the sport competed officially in Indonesians biggest Sporting event, National Sports Week (Pekan Olahraga Nasional) in 2021.


Pepper Advantage is a global credit intelligence provider operating in nine jurisdictions across the UK, Europe and Asia Pacific. Pepper Advantage has US$55 billion in assets under management. Pepper Advantage Indonesia is the fastest-growing credit management company in the country and the most complete global servicer throughout the whole region. The company manages several different asset classes, including unsecured loans such as payday, buy-now-pay-later, point-of-sale and motorcycle and car credit, as well as mortgages and SME commercial loans.